About Us


This part of the website has been made with a special purpose of facilitating the people of VAISHNAV SAMAJ (which is also known as Swami/ Bairagi in western and central India) to search matrimonial relations within their 4 sampradays and 52 gautras. Since all of us search marriage relations within our own caste, having these 52 gautras (barring 4 gautras in some parts of the country i.e.of self, mother, dadi and nani.. or in some parts only 2 gautras of self and mother only), we need to have a good collection of biodata at one place . This modern method of computerisation may help us to collect such biodata in large quantity, yielding multiple options to the aspirants .Our ancestors had the belief in fixing marriage relations within caste, owing to religious reasons, family reasons, social reasons, generation (Pedigree) reasons and even scientific reasons. Therefore, keeping in view this aspect, the door of this part of the website is open only and solely for people of these 52 gautras. इस वेबसाइट को बनाने का उद्देश्य यह है कि वैष्णव समाज (चतु:सम्प्रदाय) ( जिसे पश्चिम व मध्य भारत में स्वामी/ बैरागी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है), के लोगों को वैवाहिक रिश्ते खोजने में कुछ आसानी हो सके .. वेबसाइट का यह भाग केवल वैष्णव समाज (च:स) के लिए ही बनाया गया है. हमने देखा है कि हमारे पूर्वजों ने अपने से सम्बंधित कुछ गोत्रों को छोडकर इन्हीं बावन गौत्रों में वैवाहिक रिश्ते तय करने की जो परम्परा स्थापित की है तथा वे सामजिक, धार्मिक, पारिवारिक, वांशिक, - यहाँ तक कि वैज्ञानिक कारणों से भी इसी को सही परम्परा मानते आये हैं . . इसलिए कम से कम खर्च में समाज के विवाह योग्य युवक युवतियों की जानकारी एक जगह संकलित करके अभिभावकों को उपलब्ध कराना ही हमारा उद्देश्य है. . सूचना जैसी आई वैसी ही प्रसारित की जाती है, इसकी सत्यता अभिभावकों को अपने स्तर पर जाँच लेनी चाहिए. लेकिन किस गौत्र का व्यक्ति इस संकलन में शामिल किया गया है और किस गौत्र का व्यक्ति शमिल नहीं किया गया है, इस बिंदु पर संचालक की संतुष्टि ही अंतिम निर्णय है, किसी भी व्यक्ति को इसे किसी विवाद का कारण बनाने का अधिकार नहीं होगा .

Bankat Lal Vaishnav, Advocate


11th parichay sammelan on 3009.2018 at Jaipur

we have organised 11 parichay sammelans from oct.2016 to Sept.2018. Now we are conducting such parichay sammelans on last Sunday of each month at Jaipur

What has the Sugam Vivah Seva Samiti done since the day of its incipation, i.e. 5th February, 2016:

The basic work was to collet biodata of marriagiable youngerters of Vaishnav Samaj, i.e. these 52 gautras of Chatu Sampraday. Therefore biodata were collected by attending variois functions in Jaipur and other cities. Then a register was maintained for male and female separately, but it did not work, Therefore a whatsapp group was made in th name of Sugam Vivah Seva Samiti. In a few months it was realised that handling biodata on whatsapp is a daydream. It is neither good for the samiti nor for the people who search it in hope to get something new. Therefore a Mobile Applictin was resorted to. But it was rather more difficult, because people did not prefer to send biodata in th App. But contact nos. of a lot people were collected from different samaj marriage groups on whatsapp. Slowly but steadily, people started taking intrest in the app and some people startd suo-moto sending biodata in the app. Gradually, we came to the stage of launching website and introducing upgraded App for Android and I-phone both. In the meantime, many Sugam Parichay Sammelans were held:. These parichay sammelans help people to increase the possibilities of finding more and more options. Many a people have been benefitted by this app as they get various options on one click. We Have received thanks from many peop le. Some are quoted hereunder:

Abhilasha weds Vikas Vaishnav,.

This is the first pair met in the first parichay sammeln of the samiti

Nice pair, who met through the App

This is from the remote area of Bhilwara district.They met through the App

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